Tag Archives: Tattoo

Rose Tattoo


Towards the end of 2003 I had a yearning for a tatt with a difference, well a difference for me anyway.  I was in the midst of the darkest years, my Mum had died of brain cancer [three weeks from first symptom to death], ten months later my Dad was found dead at his home by my nephew; a school friend and work colleague dropped dead of respiratory failure from a chest infection when her life was taking off; work was on overload and I was being pressured daily to become more active in personal development in the workplace [I just wanted to do my high stress job and go home!], work were also unhappy with my sick record …. I had lost over a stone in weight and I at max I was barely eight stone.  Stressed out hell.

An idea had begun forming for a design, a central flower in full bloom with three buds coming from it, they were to represent my Mum, Dad and my Sister’s Mother In Law [like a granny to me], they also stood for the family that remained, my Sister, her husband and their son.  I chose the yellow rose as it stood for friendship which signified my friendship with my BFF …. all combining into the fully opened flower that was I, [I think I have wilted a fair bit since then, lol].

I made the appointment to get done and explained my idea to the tattooist, who was a graphic designer in a former life, he took up his pen and drew it straight on there and then, no sketches no changes free hand and it was perfect.

In September 2009 I had it re-inked by an amazing guy in Miami Beach, his parents met as Andy Warhol models and his step father was the chief camera man for Miami Vice.  The picture above it taken the evening after it was done.

I love my roses of all my tatts [I have 4] this is the one that catches my eye the most.


Posted by on February 16, 2014 in Uncategorized

