Nose to the grind

03 Oct

How come when you take a week off from the world and all its daily demands that when you return you are already three weeks behind?

My BFF had a hell of a trip down to me, having to take an overnight stay to break up the nauseating journey.  It took her a couple of days to feel her usual normal again.  Her return had to be reworked into flying rather than four trains and 11 hours of buffeting, stopping, hurrying and shuffling.  Still, we had fun, eating good food, staying in bed until lunchtime, watching old tv stuff and generally doing what we please when we pleased without interruption; and all too soon it was tears and time to say good bye.  We are working on our next visit, probably at her house spring next year.

So I am ploughing through the detritus that reaches my desk – bank statements, credit card statement, letters, notes about emails, emails themselves, cheques, projects, phones needing charging – it is a cluttered mess.

The ‘man’ who recently moved into a neighbouring residence and gave the water and sewerage companies the wrong home number has resulted in my accounts with those companies being closed.  Tedious!!  Despite contacting those companies they have not sorted it out properly, so I need to write a letter of full explanation and hope that is an end of it.  Thankfully it was not something that could be cut off!!  Oh an apology, pffft, check a dictionary if you want to get one of those.

The workmen are here replacing the fascia’s and guttering – again I am playing school yard supervisor. The workmen need access to power but none of the residents can be arsed to offer any neighbourly help.  I have had to cajole, bribe and assertively demand a days access to a socket!  At least when they start my block the guys will be uber spoilt with access to power, a kettle, and a loo. I SO cannot wait to be done with this crap!!!

Yesterday I had three phone calls with simple quick queries that require me digging through my files to send the information requested.  No word from the Solicitors about the long past sale of the one place [they’ve f**k, screwed up the service charge payments/refunds].  No word from the solicitors about the sale currently going through.  No takers yet on the other two that have one up for sale this past couple of weeks [think rats and sinking ship].  I have not had a chance to think about how to get in touch with the person/body dealing with the affairs of the person who has gone into long term care.

This weekend I am working on a new web review page for the website.  I still feel bummed to miss the gigs but hey ho.  The page is starting to form in my head, just need to secure permission to use the photographs and get a few fan reviews.  He performed a new cover of one of his father’s tracks and kindly answered a fans question on the fan page.  Sometimes these things get harder, after all there are only so many ways you can say “He was great, fab, awesome, amazing’ etc.

Well, its gone 2pm and the reminders lists [not the plural] on the iPad is making me feel guilty, the nose has been bagged [had lunch], better get it pressed back to the grindstone.

On the lists is a book review reminder 

So, ya miss me?????  How are things round here, improving?????


Posted by on October 3, 2013 in Uncategorized


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9 responses to “Nose to the grind

  1. Bushka

    October 3, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    Phew! You have been busy…and…more to come….You’ll need another holiday after all this…. 😉 Hugs! xxxx


    • amgroves

      October 4, 2013 at 11:34 am

      Thanks Bushka, it can be nice to be busy and feel useful but it is also nice to be left alone to ones own pace of life. Lol, never satisfied, am I?


      • Bushka

        October 4, 2013 at 12:22 pm

        Never satisfied…not quite the same as ‘hard to please’….;) Hugs!xx


  2. Could-today-get-any-worse

    October 3, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    I feel the same, I take 1 day off and seems like I’ve got a weeks load of work to catch up on, why does it get do busy when I’m not around?? Seriously need to take on more staff to cover holidays!


    • amgroves

      October 4, 2013 at 11:37 am

      Hi there new reader 🙂

      My work is voluntary and sort of self imposed, I ‘run’ the management company for the complex where I live, but next year it is going to an Agent, I’ve done 10 years and no one else here will help or take over. I have finally had enough. Staffing anywhere is an issue, there never is enough. At one place I worked we were a leisure attraction and we were all banned from taking holiday across certain months.

      The web site is for a fab musician and I love looking after it, because it makes no demands of me and is always well received. Other than that my life seems to be full of “Can you just …” or people asking me “How do I ….”


  3. foxhat

    October 3, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    I’m off next week.

    Hope I don’t have as much when I get back!


    • amgroves

      October 4, 2013 at 11:38 am

      Depends how Fate likes you or not, lol. He and his associates really hate me

      Have a fab time off xx


  4. la_spice

    October 3, 2013 at 8:51 pm

    You’ve worn me out just reading it!!!!

    Always great to ‘see’ you :yes:


    • amgroves

      October 4, 2013 at 11:39 am

      I’m worn out reading it, lol.

      Must get back to the list, loliday has gone and left me lazy – need boot strap pulling, butt kicking and general get-on-with-it-woman sorting *sigh*



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